~ Add-on Devices For Systems ~

Parallel Printer Interface
The GEM-PRINT Parallel Printer Interface is a bus mounted device with allows the Gemini-Series control panels to be connected to a parallel printer for the purpose of recording system and employee activity.
Print log includes:
openings/closings by area, user code, and time/date
alarms by area and zone
troubles (system, a/c outage, low battery, etc.)


Pager Notification
Wouldn't you like to be immediately aware of who and when an employee is opening or closing your business?
Would you like to immediately know about high/low temperature, water/gas leaks, or power outage?
Would you like to immediately know about burglary, fire, or system troubles?
All our Gemini-Series controls can go directly to your pager besides our central station monitoring.


Video Recording
Our Gemini control systems can trigger a video camera and recorder to capture any incident on tape or hard drive.

New MEMOCAM  -  New 

 - Covert Motion Detector, Camera & Digital Video Recorder - 

Our Gemini control systems can activate this covert motion sensor - camera - recorder to capture any incident on a memory chip that can be downloaded to any computer.

Much More!
These are only a sample of our add-on products.
We can design our systems for your specific needs.
Call us for more information.
Thank You!

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